Magnetic couplings from DST at ACHEMA 2022
The exhibited DST permanent magnetic couplings, ensure leak-free, hermetically sealed and contactless power transmission in pumps and agitators. They are therefore particularly suitable for industrial sectors in which highly toxic, aggressive media are handled and offer reliable alternatives to conventional dynamic seals.
As the topic of the current energy and environmental situation was also lively discussed during the ACHEMA, the visitors showed great interest in the high-quality canisters developed and produced by DST.
The right choice of the canister of a magnetic coupling can be decisive for the energy consumption of your application. In addition to the standard metal canisters, DST offers a selection of different materials including ceramic and peek. With the products presented and the corresponding know-how in the field of permanent magnet system technology, DST meets the increasing importance and demand for environmentally friendly and economical solutions.
Another exhibit stood out at the booth. It was an exhibit which, as a complete unit, illustrates how the individual companies of the Echterhage Group offer solutions from a single source. You can find an animated representation here.
Published: August, 29 2022